
Machine used: DXR2 Raman Microscope (Thermo Scientific)

Our Quality Procedures

Qual Diamond strictly follows ISO 9001-2015 quality management system. We are in the process of certifying our quality management system.

Qual diamond products pass strict multi point quality inspection process to ensure our product meet or exceed your expectations. Our multi point quality process parameters are critical for our products.

  • Very narrow particle size distribution

  • Tight PSD tolerance (Refer our size distribution Figure)

  • Defined size limit

  • Strict size detection

  • Uniform diamond particle shape

  • Exceptional diamond purity

Our multi-point quality inspection procedure includes size analysis, shape analysis, toughness index, size distribution, impurity.

  1. Toughness Index (TI): test to determine the relative strength of the diamond particles. The aim of this test is to determine the particle size after the material is subjected to controlled crushing.


2. Thermal Toughness Index (TTI): test to determine the stability of diamond products at
elevated temperature. The diamond particles are heated prior to controlled crushing.


3. Bulk density: to determine the density of diamond. The test is conducted by weighing the
amount of material required to fill a known volume. Bulk density provides a relationship
between the average shape, smoothness of the diamond particles and specific weights.

4. Size Distribution: to check the size of diamond particles. Qual diamond uses Malvern
Instruments, Mastersizer for particle size analysis. (Example shown for microdiamond (20/30))


5. Shape: shape of diamond particles is one of the critical quality parameters. Qual diamond
uses IST AG, DiaShape. The shape quality check includes ellipticity, crystallinity, roughness,
transparency and average size.


6. Impurity: impurities in diamond create undesirable properties, therefore each diamond lot
passes strict impurity inspection. Qual diamond inspects every product using Raman
